Are you ready to empower your horse through liberty?

The Online Academy is Now Open and we warmly welcome you into a world of liberty that builds your horse up physically, mentally and emotionally!

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Empowering Horses through the Art of Liberty

Join the Academy

The Essence of Liberty

Online Academy

Equine Psychology

Dive deep into the science of equine behaviour, herd dynamics, learning theory and connection through both theory lessons and training sessions.

Follow Various Horses

Each individual horse needs a slightly different approach depending on their personality and past experiences! The academy follows shut down and timid, to playful and confident horses!

From First Contact to Collection

Whether you are a pure beginner or an advanced liberty enthusiast, the academy walks you through the very first steps all the way to more advanced exercises.

Ignite Your Horse's Motivation

Learn what truly motivates your horse! Discover how to gently communicate and guide your horse and master the art of positive reinforcement training!

The Essence of Liberty

Online Academy

Equine Psychology

Dive deep into the science of equine behaviour, herd dynamics, learning theory and connection through both theory lessons and training sessions.

Follow Various Horses

Each individual horse needs a slightly different approach depending on their personality and past experiences! The academy follows shut down and timid, to playful and confident horses!

From First Contact to Collection

Whether you are a pure beginner or an advanced liberty enthusiast, the academy walks you through the very first steps all the way to more advanced exercises.

Ignite Your Horse's Motivation

Learn what truly motivates your horse! Discover how to gently communicate and guide your horse and master the art of positive reinforcement training!

When You Sign Up, You Get:

Immediate Access To All Modules

Over 25 Hours Of Videos

Exclusive Access to the Academy Community

When You Sign Up, You Get:

Immediate Access To All Modules

Over 25 Hours Of Videos

Exclusive Access to the Facebook Community

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$46/Month Renewed Every 3 Months




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Nina Andersson (Sweden)

"The liberty training course has brought back the joy of working with my horses. I had never tried liberty training before but felt confident to get started after taking part of Nadine's very pedagogical and well organized material. At the end of the course I can honestly say I developed more during the course then I have during the last two years since I’ve had my own horses."

Maegan Thomas (Kentucky, USA)

"Nadine is one of the few trainers that has found a way to PRESERVE the horse’s playful spirit rather than suppress it on the journey to make them a ridable horse. Most excitedly, in the barely two months I’ve been applying Dr. Nadine’s material to my own horses, I’ve seen the beginning of this vivacious in my own horses!"

Louise Cooper (Qld, Australia)

"Since starting our sessions together and starting the course, I have gained a whole different mindset that I have been able to apply when working with both Levi and other horses. I cannot recommend to people enough that if they get the chance to work with, learn from or just be around Nadine, it is truly worth your time!"

Find Out More About The Academy Here

Nina Andersson (Sweden)

"The liberty training course has brought back the joy of working with my horses. I had never tried liberty training before but felt confident to get started after taking part of Nadine's very pedagogical and well organized material. At the end of the course I can honestly say I developed more during the course then I have during the last two years since I’ve had my own horses."

Maegan Thomas (Kentucky, USA)

"Nadine is one of the few trainers that has found a way to PRESERVE the horse’s playful spirit rather than suppress it on the journey to make them a ridable horse. Most excitedly, in the barely two months I’ve been applying Dr. Nadine’s material to my own horses, I’ve seen the beginning of this vivacious in my own horses!"

Louise Cooper (Qld, Australia)

"Since starting our sessions together and starting the course, I have gained a whole different mindset that I have been able to apply when working with both Levi and other horses. I cannot recommend to people enough that if they get the chance to work with, learn from or just be around Nadine, it is truly worth your time!"

Find Out More About The Academy Here

FREE Download!!

This guide walks you through the 6 fundamental principles of the horse-human relationship and gets you on your way to developing and maintaining a strong relationship with your horse!

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FREE Download!!

This guide walks you through the 6 fundamental principles of the horse-human relationship and gets you on your way to developing and maintaining a strong relationship with your horse!

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Online & In-Person Coaching

Lessons, Clinics, Consultations, Webinars

Liberty | Trick Training | Problem Solving | Academic Art of Riding



Online & In-Person

Liberty, Tricks, Problem Solving & Academic Art of Riding

Nadine offers coaching through online lessons and the academy, as well as private lessons, workshops, clinics and demonstrations!


Philosophy & Approach

Nadine's philosophy and approach revolves around establishing a strong connection between horse and human, and providing the horse with choice and autonomy. Horses are incredibly peaceful creatures and will always search for the path of least resistance and, therefore, it is (in most cases) easy to coerce a horse into obedience. However, in these situations the horse will often lack the beautiful expression, motivation, play and power that comes with freedom of choice. Nadine incorporates trick training as a tool to enhance communication and improve the relationship. She also incorporates "power postures" and collected movements to help the horse find more confidence, balance and strength! The communication relies on slow, gentle (non-escalating or forceful) guidance, always giving the horse time to think and the option to leave. Rewards (positive reinforcement) are used to help motivate the horse to follow and search through the guidance!

Nadine's approach is largely science-based with a focus on the psychology of the equine brain and autonomic nervous system, as well as evidence-based herd dynamics. She does not incorporate dominance theory into her training as horses do not understand the concept of authority or superiority. Understanding the similarities and differences between horse and human minds and emotions has a massive impact on the way we interpret their behaviour and how we then respond to that behaviour. It is crucial to understand why something does or doesn't work and what evidence there is behind it in order to ensure that we choose the most appropriate and ethical approach to training and caring for our horses!

Click below to learn more about Nadine's liberty philosophy.

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Nadine's Philosophy

“Liberty is often confused with obedience training, but a horse is only truly at liberty when he feels autonomous. It is this empowering state that opens the door to easy and fluent communication as well as playful and proud expression." ~ Nadine
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About Nadine

Dr Nadine Lindblom is a qualified equine veterinarian with a strong interest in equine psychology and training. Nadine has worked closely with horses over the past 16 years and has had the opportunity to learn from several fantastic trainers in both Australia and Sweden.

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What Are People Saying?

 "What drew me to Dr. Nadine’s work is the way her horses LOVE TO BE WITH HER.

Most trainers I see in person and online have animals in a state of learned helplessness. Although they obey, they lack any playfulness and spark in their soul. They appear listless and machine-like.

Nadine is one of the few trainers that has found a way to PRESERVE the horse’s playful spirit rather than suppress it on the journey to make them a ridable horse.

Of those few I have found, most of them have an air of mystery and “horse whisperer” aura about them that make them difficult to understand. Their methods have a haze of mythology around them that, although is certainly intriguing and something to learn from, makes it difficult to derive a technical method which you can apply at home to your own animals.

Nadine’s course [The Essence of Liberty Online Academy] neither is dressed in pretty verbal distractions or based on making the horse do something by depriving of them of any other options. Her psychological and physiological knowledge of the horse, common training methods, and how she introduces us to the method from this background knowledge, leaves no holes for ambiguity.



Nadine has no “tricks”, “magic tools”, “magic words”, or “quick fixes”. It’s all very real, bare and scientific, allowing you to clearly see what’s happening and why she does it while introducing this new training approach to the three new horses featured in the course.

Dr. Nadine’s social media, full of her adult horses performing difficult Haute Ecole elements while also playing like foals with her, is a testament that her method does work.

Most excitedly, in the barely two months I’ve been applying Dr. Nadine’s material to my own horses, I’ve seen the beginning of this vivacious in my own horses!

When the course ended, I was not left without many ideas on how to pursue my own unique endeavors using the material learned in the course. If you want a horse that engages in play with you, a TRULY EQUAL partner where both parties can walk away when they feel uncomfortable (yes, including the horse), and a dream relationship most believe to be impossible, and seemingly so few have obtained, Nadine’s course will definitely give you something to add in your horse training repertoire on that journey.

Thank you so much Nadine for your hard work in creating a course that are helping me shape my lifelong equine dreams!"

Maegan Thomas (Kentucky, USA)

About Nadine

Dr Nadine Lindblom is a qualified equine veterinarian in Melbourne, Australia with a strong interest in equine psychology and training. Nadine has worked closely with horses over the past 16 years and has had the opportunity to learn from several fantastic trainers in both Australia and Sweden. Nadine's main interest is helping horse owners improve their relationship with their horse and helping horses with behavioural issues. She also loves liberty, trick training and Academic Art of Riding (a form of dressage based on historical principles) with the aim of improving the relationship and the horse's physical and mental health!

Nadine's Story

Join Us on Social Media

Equus Empeiria is followed by over 200,000 people across Instagram (main platform), Facebook, TikTok and YouTube! Nadine uses these platforms to share her journey with her own horses and horsemanship, connect with followers and other trainers, as well as to provide free educational content revolving around equine training and health! Click on the icons below to explore content!

Join Us on Social Media

Equine Connection Academy is followed by over 200,000 people across Instagram (main platform), Facebook, TikTok and YouTube! Nadine uses these platforms to share her journey with her own horses and horsemanship, connect with followers and other trainers, as well as to provide free educational content revolving around equine training and health! Click on the icons below to explore content!

Get in Touch!

Email Nadine on:

[email protected]

 or simply fill out the boxes below!

Get in Touch!

Email Nadine on:

[email protected]

 or simply fill out the boxes below!